The Role Of Marketing Strategy And Its Significance

2 September 2022

The most essential part of marketing is to create and sustain a powerful and effective strategy. Using strategies for marketing plays a vital role in shaping the goal and success of a business or a company. It serves as a comprehensive plan that outlines the specific actions and approaches a company will take to promote its products or services, reach its target audience, and achieve its business objectives.

 A well-crafted marketing strategy guides all marketing activities and ensures they are aligned with the overall business goals. In this article, you will be able to understand the basic steps of a strong marketing strategy. 

What Is A Marketing Strategy?

Importance of Strategy

It is a lasting plan to reach the company’s goal by understanding the customer needs and creating a whole of advantage for them. It aims to distinguish the channels to use for gaining customers and choosing the right audience. 

Because of the right market strategy, you are able to determine your company’s position in the marketplace along with the variety of products or services the company provides, types of advertisement, choosing the right strategic partner, and promotions undertaken.

Marketing strategy is not just about ‘what’ to do but also about ‘how’ to do it. The ‘how’ is often overlooked but can make or break a marketing strategy. As marketers, we often think in extremes. We assume that all problems are either so big or so small that they can be easily handled when the truth is what really matters is the effectiveness of the task.

Commonly Used Marketing Strategies:

There are various types of marketing strategies, and finding the best one is time-consuming. So, here are all types of strategies divided into two categories: B2B and B2C Marketing Strategy. 

B2B Strategy:

Also known as Business to Business Marketing Strategy, it covers the aspects of promoting a product or service of the other Business/Organization. It involves manufacturers to wholesalers or wholesalers to retailers. 

B2C Strategy:

Also known as Business to Consumer Strategy, it involves tactics in which a business promotes its product and services to the people. Just like advertising, creating, and selling products in everyday life. In a simpler way, Business to Consumers Marketing Strategy sells the product directly to the consumers. 

Steps In Marketing Strategy That Must Be Kept In Mind:

Marketing Planning

In recent years, marketing has seen a significant shift. Gone are the days when a business could focus all of its efforts on direct mail or print advertising. As online marketing has grown, it has become an important part of every business strategy.

There are a few steps that need to be taken for a successful Marketing Strategy.

Setting A Target Audience:

Goal setting helps you identify your target market. For this, you need to understand the customers in the market, and that requires some extent of market research and analysis, which includes market size and its potential to grow, trends of the market, customer behavior, and market competitors. 

Be Specific With Your Business Goals:

The company’s aims and objectives are the main driving force of the marketing strategy. Setting goals beforehand will help you gain the reach of your target audience, and your marketing goals will boost your company’s goal. 

Using The 7Ps:

This Marketing Strategy helps to set objectives and build a roadmap for your business goals. When you are developing a market strategy plan, you must focus on the traditional 7 P’s of Marketing.

  1. Product:

Product is said to be the center of an entire strategy. The whole marketing mix is about the product itself. You must concentrate on the way you satisfy the customer’s needs and how the product is more efficient than its competitor’s products.

  1. Price:

It refers to the pricing strategy of the product and services along with how it affects the customers. It also includes the determination of profit margins, payment methods and other costs as well as, the amount customers agree to pay for the product. 

  1. Promotion:

Efficient marketing strategies incorporate every sort of promotion from the marketing mix, such as advertising, direct marketing, and promotions in-store. Your inventiveness is the only constraint when it comes to digital advertisement, which may additionally involve social media groups, live streams, online events, and meetings.

  1. Place:

The place refers to the area where your product or service is made, sold, or distributed. To create a uniqueness from other competitive companies, designing your own space and using effective digital marketing techniques will help you reach more audience. 

  1. People:

Those individuals who are coming into contact with your customers are referred to as people. To give a high end service, there must be recruitment of the best possible employee at all levels in a business/company. 

  1. Packaging:

The packaging of a company’s product is one of the ways to attract customers from a crowd of various competitors and also reinforces the value of returning customers. Focus on the unique design style and provide sufficient information along with added value.

  1. Process:

Choosing the right way to deliver the product to the customers should be created for the ideal efficiency and dependability. However, it should also include other elements consistent with the brand, by being sustainable or environmentally focused.

Planning For The Product’s Development:

Once the target audience is focused on, you can now work on the features of the product selling to the customers according to their needs. This way, you can create a proper product for the customer. 

Highlighting The Key Benefits:

Identifying the key benefits of the product selling to the customer will help the company understand how that product is competing best in the market and reaching the customer’s needs. What matters the most is to satisfy your customers and have a presentable look at the product.

Describe Your Marketing Mix:

Also referred to as 4Ps, is a fundamental concept in marketing strategy that outlines the key elements a company needs to consider when planning and executing its marketing efforts. The marketing mix consists of four interrelated components that collectively contribute to the success of a product or service in the market.

This way, you are able to understand the ways to reach your focused audience that cover the types of channels and activities used in your marketing mix – traditional types like radios and television or digital platforms such as social media or online applications. 

  1. Product:

It refers to the tangible or intangible services that a company offers to its customers. It involves decisions related to product features, design, quality, branding, packaging and its unique selling point to differentiate from other competitors.

  1. Price:

Price determination involves setting a market competitive selling price that the customers will pay for the service provided. Pricing strategies can vary, such as competitive pricing, 

Value added pricing, predatory pricing or prestige pricing. 

  1. Distribution (Place):

Refers to the channels or methods through which the product or service reaches the customers. Includes decisions about distribution channels, such as direct sales, retail partners, e-commerce platforms, or wholesalers. The goal is to ensure that the product is available in the right place at the right time for the target audience. 

  1. Promotion:

Promotion encompasses all the activities that create awareness, interest, and desire for the product or service. This includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and any other tactics aimed at reaching and engaging the target audience.

Why Is An Effective Marketing Strategy Important?

product strategy

Creating effective strategies for marketing is an important concept in business management. It makes a company sell its products or services correctly, increasing its growth and dominance in the industry. An effective strategy makes you compete with your business competitors and helps you boost your customers. 

Be it a small business or a large business, an effective Marketing Strategy is compulsory as well as fruitful for the companies to sell their products or services, and for that, they use 

different advertising channels and strategies so that they can grab a larger number of customers. Every business has its own unique way of selling its products, and that is the reason why they customize strategies according to their business goals. 


Don’t be afraid to make the first move. If you are in business, you are a marketer, and you need to craft a strategy to run your business. Without a strategy, you are just a business running on luck. No marketing strategy is ever perfect; it takes time and needs to be continually reviewed and modified. 

There are a number of things you need to consider when it comes to marketing, as you don’t want to get overwhelmed by what needs to be done or push yourself too hard. Hence, the ideal aim of a marketing strategy is to gain and establish a sustainable advantage for their customers over their competitors.